Framed Anthology by the #PYB Wordy Warriors : Join The Fight Against Cancer

I am a #PYB Wordy Warrior.
I am honoured, proud, and eternally grateful to be a part of a project that aims to help fund the research that save lives. It’s difficult to express just how much being a part of this team means to me. How do you put words together to adequately explain what life – being alive – means? It’s impossible. But what is possible is writing one thousand words and putting them towards a book, with twenty seven authors who have done the same. What is possible is making a donation, no matter how small or insignificant you think it might be, to a cause that does and will continue to save lives. What is possible is clicking a button, in a day where we spend the majority of our lives online looking for the next fascinating thing, to tell others what we’re doing here and why we’re doing it. What is possible is sharing the campaign. I should tell you how what being a #PYB Wordy Warrior means to me, but all I can tell you is it means a lot. Instead I’m going to ask you to join us. Become a warrior. Reach the end of this post and do something – anything – to help raise awareness. It’s not often we’re given an opportunity to help prolong, extend or save a life, but together we can make a difference. We can kick cancer’s arse.

Framed is a book put together by Protect Your Breasts in order to raise money for

Cancer Research, but rather than put the book on sale, it’s being given as a thank

you gift for donations made through their Just Giving Page

28 authors

Framed is a collection of twenty eight stories, one thousand words in length, each

written by one of twenty eight writers, collectively known as the #PYB Wordy


Beautiful girl travelling through the magical portal - fantasy tale

All the tales in this anthology are inspired by this picture.  Every story is different,

every writer’s way with words unique, but they stand united for the cause. Fear,

love, pain and freedom; you’ll find it all in this book, on a heart-breaking and

uplifting journey through beautiful prose.

The team of Wordy Warriors and the team at #PYB want to say a huge thank you

for all your support and we hope you enjoy this collection.

You can get the full list of #PYB Wordy Warriors and more details about this

project here

Here’s how you can help this cause and get your hands on this book step-by-step

1) Make a donation through this Just Giving Page


2) Register the name you made the donation under and your email address

through this form

3) Enjoy the words, support the cause and follow #PYB



Protect Your Breasts is a non-profit campaign ran by Lisa Fulham and V to raise

awareness for the importance of self examination for the signs of Breast Cancer.

You can follow and support #PYB in the following places




Together let’s make C stand for Clear, not Cancer

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